Who will hire me?

When I graduated college in 1980, I wasn’t thinking about looking for work thirty-eight years later. If I considered it at all, I assumed that I’d be well established in my chosen career, thinking about retirement. If I could go back in time even to twenty years ago, my choices would’ve been entirely different. But they weren’t and here I am.

None of my career plans came to fruition. Started and quit law school. Started and quit graduate school twice. Years of sporadic employment due to marital and health issues have left me where I never wanted to be – searching for yet another clerical job at age sixty.  Everyone I interview with is younger than I am. This is to be expected and I’m okay with it. What I’m not okay with is the look on people’s faces when I arrive for the interview. To them, I’m old. Not only am I old but my hair is gray, and I probably remind them of their mother.  Many of my friends are starting to retire. I’m so jealous of their choices. They travel while I sit at my desk wishing that I could join them. My husband retired this year and while I’m happy for him, I’m sad for me. Even though I’m fairly energetic, truth be told I’m tired. I’m tired of adapting to the new corporate lingo. I’m tired of being more than a step behind in technology. I especially tired of not being able to pursue my many creative endeavors because by the time I get home at the end of the day, well, I’m tired.

One of the more frightening aspects of the job search is being told that I’d have to wait sixty to ninety days for medical coverage. Do they have any idea how devastating that could be? My health is good but damn it, stuff happens and often out of the blue.  Every time I hear this I wish even more fervently that I lived in a country where health care is provided for all. Couple this with the lower hourly wages and I’m going to work until I die. Without a good pension or healthy savings, I can’t see my way to retirement.  This is no one’s fault but my own. I made lousy choices. If you had told me that I’d be competing with a thirty-year old for a desk job at sixty, I would have laughed in your face. Not laughing now.

I have years of good solid experience. I show up on time. I work hard. No drama follows me to the office. Perhaps I’ll only work for a company for six or seven more years, but they’ll be good, productive years. I’m not the only one. Consider hiring the older employee. But for God’s sake, pay us what we’re worth and give us health care.

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It’s not easy

Some days it’s just not easy being the me others expect me to be. I’m pretty cheerful by nature so when I dip into the dark ink that sloshes around inside of me,  I tend to keep it to myself. My two closest friends always know but I hide it from the rest of the humans I know and interact with on a a daily basis.

For some reason, I think that I’m never supposed to feel sad or overwhelmed or angry. So many folks I know are dealing with some serious crap. Loss of loved ones, serious illnesses, you name it. My biggest issues today are a pain in my back that hasn’t let up for almost two weeks and struggling with a tough decision. When I compare my stuff with others, I feel guilty for even complaining.  On the one hand, it helps me keep things in perspective but on the other, I’m negating my own feelings and thus inviting other people to do the same. The ridiculous part is that they don’t know they’re doing it because I’M KEEPING MY STRUGGLES TO MYSELF!

I don’t know how to change this behavior and I’ve tried. I’m great at giving support but lousy at asking for it. I’ve been labeled a whiner and complainer by less kind people over the years. I’ve accepted these names as my own. So I walk around feeling awful, sure that if I voice it, the negative names become true and apparent to even more people. They will turn from me and I will be alone.

When my sunny mood returns, I will know this to be a falsehood but on this gray and gloomy day, it feels true.

Please don’t ask me to smile today. Maybe tomorrow but not today.





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That’s how the human condition has been described.
Easily struck down by disease, weapons and anger.
Hearts break literally and figuratively until we’re curled up in a fetal position on the floor.
Be strong, they exhort us. Stiffen that upper lip. I don’t know about you but it’s usually my lower lip that quivers.
Push through the pain. No pain, no gain. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. Only the strong survive.
See the theme?
What about kindness, love, gentleness?
Kill them with kindness. You get more flies with honey than vinegar.
Even good behavior is turned into a competition of sorts.

Here are a few other options.

Hug tightly
Give comfort
Fight injustice even if it isn’t happening to you
Let’s blur the lines until we no longer judge each other by color, sex or religion

Love one another always

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Just hang up already!

Over the years, friends have come and gone. Some remained longer than others while the presence of quite a few was so brief that I barely remember them. The memory is nothing more than a shadow tucked away behind the platform shoes and bell bottom jeans they accompanied. However, there have been many people dear to me who simply floated away due to change of location, jobs and complacency.  If we were to meet today, we would smile  and hug, share family news and move on. I have found it impossible to reverse the flow of relationships, even the ones that carried no drama. I feel fortunate to have a few close friends that are privy to every crazy, painful and intimate thought that passes through my head. These folks are my safety net, the heart shield against the ugliness the world can produce. They are also the conduit for joy and love. Lucky me to have them.

Then there are the other kinds. You know what I mean. The ones who wring you dry and then tell you that you’re never there for them. The late night phone calls that detail how the world has wronged them and never of hint of their part in the ongoing melodrama. In fariness, I know that I’ve been that person in the past and I had patient friends who saw me through the maze. It’s taken years to change the behavior and sometimes I fail but more often I succeed.  As I age, my patience for the whining with no solution in sight is diminishing. That doesn’t mean that I don’t care. It just means that time is precious and I’d rather spend it with those who love me for who I am, not what I can do for them.

What’s the point of these ramblings? Just that I’m grateful that I’ve learned the difference between good friends, old friends and no friend at all.

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Weight Weight Wait!

Ah, the dreaded “W” word. When I was younger, I didn’t worry about it very much. I was naturally slim and ate what I wanted with little or no consequences. But time changed that. When I quit smoking, I gained a little. Then I had babies and gained a little more. Nothing to be concerned about. I started taking certain medication about the same time I started menopause and all bets were off. 50 lbs. Yes, suddenly I weighed 50 lbs. more and was the heaviest I had ever been. My life was too crazy to worry about it and it just settled in for the long haul. I had assumed it would be temporary but this was not to be. I love good food and believed that somehow, some day, the extra pounds would all magically disappear. Unfortunately, the weight loss fairy never found me. I did move around a lot and I figured that she had lost my address. Fast forward 20 years.

One day when I was feeling pretty good about myself and the world at large, someone asked me if I was expecting. My first thought that was that she was crazy. After all, I was 54 years old and she knew it. My second thought was that I must be fat beyond words. Despondent, depressed and in despair are only a few of the feelings that assailed me. I had been leaving out milkshakes and cookies for the weight loss fairy to no avail.  There was a conspiracy between the mirrors in my house to keep the truth from me.  I was overweight and not getting any thinner. Of course, I did what most clear thinking people would do. I ate myself silly for 3 more months until even my largest clothes were too tight.

So I bit the bullet (sans sugar) and joined Weight Watchers. It hasn’t been easy. There are days that I hate it and just want to eat every sugary thing I can find.  But that would be silly and a serious waste of the money spent every month. The progress has been slow but steady and no one has asked me when the baby is due. It’s up to me to make positive changes. If the weight loss fairy showed up today, I’d thank her kindly and show her the door. There are times that magic isn’t the answer and this is one of them.

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Wandered Off

I admit it. This blog was started with the best of intentions, kind of like that road to Hell. I wrote a bit and then became distracted by shiny things. I guess that makes me a magpie. Other interests took me away and it faded into memory. I was recently reminded that I had a blog and was thrilled to see that it was quietly waiting for me to return. I have oodles of stuff to talk about so I’ve decided to give it CPR and see what happens.

Ready, set, write!

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Below Standard

Just below the skin’s surface the whispers have begun
“Whiner” “Hypochondriac” “Drama Queen”
I search the faces around me for the source

All seem serene, helpful and sympathetic
Arms reach out to hold me, support me and offer hugs
No sound emanates from those lips

Desperation increases as the voices grow louder
“Again?” “More?” “Will it never end?”
I dive for my bed, buried beneath the covers

Chastising, unloving, shaming
This is my own unkind voice
Learned at my father’s knee

A choice presents itself
Accept the cold, critical words
or rise above to self-love and acceptance

Which shall I choose?

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Not Forgotten

Today, I remember the dead

Those who’s last days were spent toiling for the enemy

Digging the graves of their families

Waiting for a word, searching the crowd for a familiar face

Pleading with God, shaking a fist at God, turning from God

Tracing the numbers etched forever in their arms

Burned into their skin, burned into their minds

Struggling for survival for just one more day

Will death come today or more horror carried out by those who used to be neighbors, possibly friends

Millions of strangers forced to live lower than animals

Beaten, mutilated, fodder for medical experiments

Dying with despair in their eyes, hopelessness in their hearts

The few saved know they should feel lucky to be alive

But alone, so alone in the world

I vow to never forget them, to keep them alive in my heart

My heart aches for the lost, for those that survived

Today, I remember the dead

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My Personal Wilderness

Maybe it’s spring fever. Maybe it’s a middle aged crisis. Regardless of the cause, I have the strong urge to take off running and not stopping until I have found my purpose. It’s sounds like a cliche even to me. I’m certainly not the first person searching for meaning and I definitely won’t be the last. Here I am, in my 50’s, and I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.

I tried to explain this to someone last night. Although I’m usually fairly articulate, all I could do was wave my hands around in frustration as I searched for the right words that would explain my dilemma. We talked of how in the past people would go off and live in the wilderness to get closer to God. Perhaps they were running away from their lives and the spiritual aspect gave them an excuse to bolt. I don’t know. But I do know that I don’t want to die with the regret that I never took the hard road.

My life has been pretty cushy. Yes, there have been some difficulties and lately quite a few physical unpleasantness have arose. Still, I have always had food and shelter. I’m by no means suggesting that I want to be homeless and starving. Is it possible that I will never reach my truth if I don’t sacrifice something? I was asked if I would be willing to give up everything if it meant a closer relationship with God. Tough question. I don’t know what I’m capable of because I’ve never really tried.

After much discussion, all I could finally say is that it feels like time to go to my personal wilderness. I wish to hell I knew what that means. It’s kind of like when you catch sight of something just outside your peripheral vision. You know it’s there but your brain can’t process the information. I’m desperate to know what the image is but can’t figure out how to get how to get it into focus.

Until I do, I’ll go about my daily life. But if you’re talking to me one day and I suddenly get a far way look in my eyes, I’m not ignoring you. It’s just that I’m listening for the call that will bring me fully to myself.

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It’s happening more and more lately. I get an idea for a post or a poem. I plan to write it down but get distracted as I wash my coffee cup or pick up the socks I left on the floor last night. As hard as I try, the idea remains elusive. The frustration is, well, frustrating. As hard as I try, I’m unable to get the thought back.

I wonder how many great ideas I’ve forgotten in a moment’s time. Think of all the life changing ideas that are floating around unexpressed.  There must be billions of them. Often someone will say when they hear of a new invention, “Oh, I thought of that years ago.” Is it possible that barely formed thoughts are up for grabs? What if when the originator of the thought can’t retain it, the universe holds on to it until someone who won’t forget comes along?

Somehow that makes me feel better. Now I won’t drive myself crazy trying to remember the fabulous idea I had while pumping gas. I’ll just sit back and wait for the universe to distribute it to someone who won’t forget it. Hell, it might even come home to roost. What a great idea.

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